2022 Entries: A change of plan

Dukes Weekender 2022 entries. A change of plan

Each December it’s become the norm for many major UK cycling events to open entries for the coming year. Occasionally offering early bird rates and doing what we all can to get early sign ups. To us (and other event organisers) it does really help to get some capital in the door and be able to plan ahead.

At Dukes Weekender we have always followed this norm and a few days ago we announced that entries for Dukes will open this Tuesday (14th). We don’t like to change our minds however, for better or worse, we’ve decided to do that.

Inclusivity is something we’ve always worked towards at Dukes and we know for many parents, families and individuals the lead up to Christmas is littered with financial pressures. We believe that adding the entry of a bike race that is months away shouldn’t be one of them. After some reflection and conversation we have decided that our 2022 entries will not open on Tuesday.

The events market is competitive, we understand there is a lot of choice and planning ahead can be important too. That said we want to try something different. We’re a community organisation and making sure everyone can get involved is our priority.  We can only hope you guys all support our decision and still get involved when entries do become available.

Dukes Weekender 2022 entries will open on the 1st of Feb 2022.

Have an amazing Christmas everyone and big love for all the continued support.

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