Saturday AFTERNOON comes alive with cowbells and crowds above Aberfoyle as competitors take on the ICONIC gravel hill climb.

When: Saturday 9th September 2-6pm

Where: The Waterfall by the David Marshall Lodge, Queen Elizabeth Forest, Aberfoyle

The Gravel Hill Climb is Stage One of the Full Dukes Weekender participants but is also available as a stand alone event too!

This is a unique opportunity for riders to ride up the gravel trails beside the Dukes Pass in a vibrant and fun atmosphere. The climb itself is 1.3km, climbing up 150m height and is achievable for both occasional riders through to the pros. Take in the scenery or chew on the bars, it’s up to you!

Previous editions had road bikes, mountain bikes, touring bikes and even a tandem. The route was lined with people, the local school, music, food and drinks. An incredible experience for all competitors and we can’t wait for it in 2023!

Those riding the full ‘Dukes Weekender’ event must use the same bike across the Hillclimb and Gravel Enduro (wheel/tyre changes are allowed :)). While we don’t like getting too much into ‘rules & regulations’ we didn’t want to show total bias to those with specialist trick bikes in their garage :).